The Belial Sacrifice (The Belial Series Book 14) Read online

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  Cain caught her gaze and nodded. “Like I said, it was a long time ago. Before Lemuria and Atlantis sank. Before I was cursed, we humans could survive a great deal. We were much less fragile than we are now. In our days, you couldn’t count them. They went on, unending. And then Lilith changed all of that.”

  Patrick nodded, picking up the thread as Cain fell quiet. “She made a deal with two angels. A deal that would make humans mortal.”

  Laney recalled her conversation with Victoria about that time. “She wanted them to have a chance to live good lives. To achieve a final resting place. Without death, humans couldn’t appreciate life.”

  “As much as I hated to admit it, she was right,” said Cain. “There were no consequences for our actions. No need to do good or do right. Then the Fallen came. They exploited this aspect of our nature, and we became even worse. By making that deal, she gave us a chance to truly live.” He gave a small grin. “Although a little heads-up would have been appreciated.”

  Laney smiled back at him.

  “But what does that have to do with the weapon?” Jake asked.

  Cain frowned. “I can’t remember a great deal of it. To be honest, I spent a few centuries roaring drunk. But I remember hearing that she had created a way to remove the abilities of the Fallen, if it ever came to that.”


  “I don’t know. I’m not sure I ever knew exactly what the weapon was, just that it existed.”

  “Would it be in the Tome?” Henry asked.

  Cain nodded. “If any record of it exists, then that’s where it would be. Most likely in the beginning of the Tome.”

  “Which means we need the Tome,” Laney said quietly.

  Henry stared at her. “Laney, the only copy of the Tome that we know of is back in Rome, with the Brotherhood.”

  “And they tried to kill you the last time you had a run-in with them,” Jake said.

  “True, but they failed.”

  “Laney . . .” Henry said, his voice full of warning.

  She held up her hand. “Look, I get it. It’s a long shot and not exactly easy in the current climate to zip over to Italy. But if there is a weapon out there that can remove the Fallen’s powers, all of their powers, we need to find it. The world is on the edge of World War III. And while Elisabeta may be gone, her plans for the Fallen ruling all are still where we are heading. With the numbers of people who will be enhanced, we cannot fight them one on one. If there’s a weapon that can remove all of their powers, we need it.”

  “But how are you going to get into Italy? Everything’s shut down,” Patrick said.

  Laney gave him a small smile. “I guess I’m going to have to hope that David hasn’t called in all of his favors just yet.”

  Chapter 26


  Macau, the Vegas of China, was bustling as Sergei Yanovich’s driver made his way slowly through the crowded streets. With over six hundred thousand people living in an area less than twelve square miles in size, Macau was the most densely populated region in the world. It made the Philippines look like wide open plains. Macau was the fourth richest territory, replacing Switzerland on the list. Seventeen million tourists visited Macau to take advantage of their casinos, high-end resorts, and extensive shopping malls.

  While Macau was an independent territory of China, the influences of both China and Portugal, who had controlled the territory until 1999, could still be seen. But so, too, could the influences of the Western world.

  Sergei’s driver weaved through traffic in the City of Dreams in the Cotai area, populated by luxury resorts. Sergei glanced out the window at the Ritz Carlton, the Venetian, the Atira, and the Hotel Okura—all were lit up, inviting the wealthy to come inside and spend their easily won wealth.

  The Maybach pulled up in front of the Wynn Palace. A doorman hurried over to open Sergei’s door, and Sergei tipped the man without looking at him. His four-man security team took point around him. Another twelve members of his security team had swept through the hotel that morning, making sure everything was safe.

  Sergei didn’t worry too much about threats, however, even with the bounty on his head. After all, he had just made China very happy, and they would be making sure he stayed very happy to ensure the formula did not slip into other hands.

  The Wynn representative was flanked by two women. He bowed as Sergei approached. “Mr. Smith, it is a great pleasure to have you at our hotel. I would be happy to escort you to—”

  Sergei held up a hand, cutting the man off. “Not necessary. I’m sure your lovely companions would be able to escort me.” Sergei held out his arms.

  Each woman slid their arms through his with a smile. Sergei grinned back at them. Yes, tonight was going to be a very enjoyable evening.

  Chapter 27

  Washington, D.C.

  The President watched Sergei Yanovich step out of the car and button his jacket before striding up the stairs and disappearing into the casino. The camera remained focused on the entrance. “Is that it? Is that all we have?”

  Bruce Heller nodded. “Yes. We have no electronic surveillance inside the casino. We were lucky we were even able to get this shot.”

  The President whirled on him. “How does this help us? We have a picture of the man. If we can’t get to him, I’m not sure what the picture does for us.”

  “I said we didn’t have any electronic surveillance inside the casino. I didn’t say we didn’t have any personnel inside.”

  The President paused. “You have someone with him?”

  Bruce nodded.

  “What is the plan?”

  “When our team is in place, our asset will let them know when to move.”

  “And this asset, he can handle this?”

  Bruce smiled. “Yes. She can.”

  Chapter 28


  Sergei Yanovich smiled as he rolled the dice down the craps table.

  “Seven. We have a winner,” the dealer called out.

  The girl on his arm squealed, jumping up and down. Sergei smiled as well. It didn’t matter if he won or if he lost, he had more money than Midas now. But he still liked to win.

  “Again, sir?”

  Sergei shook his head, slipping his hand around the waist of the woman next to him. “No, I think I’m done for the night.”

  She giggled, leaning forward, her breast brushing against his arm.

  “How about if we find a place a little more private?”

  She leaned over, her lips touching his neck as she spoke. “A suite has been set up for you. I can show you to it.”


  She slipped her arm through his and led him from the table. His security fell in around him. The girl pouted as she looked at them. “They won’t be joining us in the suite, will they?”

  He smiled. “No. I think I can handle anything you throw at me all by myself.”

  She clutched his arm tighter. “I bet you can.”

  Ahead, his security chased a group away from the elevator. They held the door open. Sergei stepped inside, nuzzling the woman’s neck. “You never did tell me your name.”


  “Arianna. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

  She smiled, sliding her arms along his chest. “This beautiful woman has some plans that I think you are really going to like.”

  “I do love a woman with a plan.” He moved toward her mouth, but the door opened.

  She turned her head with a smile. “This way.”

  He let her lead them down the hallway. She pulled a card from inside her dress and stepped to the double doors at the end of the hall. He plucked the card from her hand and handed it to one of his men. “Let them.”

  She nodded, stepping back from the doorway. One of the security detail unlocked the door, sliding his jacket back and placing his hand on the gun on his side.

  Arianna let out a little gasp.

  Sergei chuckled. “No need to be afraid. You are perfectly s
afe with me.”

  “I just— I don’t like guns.”

  He ran his hand down her cheek. “And there’s no need for you to. A woman as pretty as you will always have a strong man to protect her.”

  She batted her lashes at him, leaning into him. “Really?”

  “Yes. I could take care of you.”

  She licked her lips, leaning in until she was just a few inches from his lips. She smiled. “But I can take care of myself.” She grabbed him by the lapels and threw him into the room as if he weighed no more than a few pounds.

  Chapter 29

  Washington, D.C.

  Onscreen, it was difficult to see what exactly was happening. If it were a movie, the President would have been annoyed at the camera operator for not focusing on the critical action. But here, the camera operator was also fighting for his life.

  As soon as the CIA operative had thrown Sergei into the room, four men from the strike team had burst from a supply closet in the hall. Sergei’s guard in the room had already been disabled by two other members of the team.

  A shot of the ceiling splashed across the monitor as the soldier was sent flying. For precious seconds, the soldier stayed where he was, the ceiling all that could be seen. But the sounds of the fight continuing could be heard.

  The soldier rolled to his side. Across the room, Sergei was trading punches incredibly fast, but he wasn’t exchanging them with one of the strike team. No, he was going toe to toe with the woman he had escorted into the room.

  And she was giving as good as she was receiving. She ducked under a punch, slamming her fist into Sergei’s stomach. A second punch to his kidney made him cry out before she landed an uppercut to his jaw. The President flinched as his head snapped back at a sickening angle.

  But she wasn’t done. Before Sergei could respond, she grabbed the gun that had been dropped by Sergei and unloaded the entire magazine into his heart.

  “Report,” Bruce demanded.

  The woman walked over to Sergei, pressing her hands to his throat, checking for a pulse. She waved one of the soldiers over, and he handed her an earpiece and a mike. She put in the earpiece, clipping the mike to the strap of her dress. “He’s gone.”

  Bruce smiled. “Nicely done, Maldonado. Any sign of the Omni?”

  “Hold on.” Maldonado rummaged through Sergei’s pockets. She pulled out a small cylinder that looked like a cigar case. Unscrewing the top, she pulled out a rolled-up piece of paper. She unfurled it and scanned the contents before nodding. “I’ve got it.”

  The President let out a breath. Bruce had thought Sergei would have it on him. He wouldn’t chance leaving it anywhere it could be uncovered.

  “Have the team clean up, and bring Sergei’s body back with you,” Bruce said.

  “Yes, sir.” Maldonado lowered the volume, speaking to the other men in the room.

  The President smiled. “That was a success. But you didn’t tell me everything about this particular mission.”

  Bruce shrugged. “It’s always wise to hold back some details of an op.”

  The President nodded to the screen where Maldonado had just been. “She’s with us?”

  Bruce nodded. “Captain Maria Maldonado. Graduated from Quantico Marine Corps officer training ten years ago. Went into intelligence work. I managed to snag her about four years ago.”

  “You knew she was enhanced?”

  “I did.”

  “You didn’t consider it a risk?”

  “I considered it an asset. She is a patriot. Her family emigrated here from Venezuela. She is very proud of her American citizenship and loves this country. I have never for one moment doubted her commitment to the United States.”

  The President studied him. “I sense a bit of censure in your tone.”

  Bruce shrugged. “No censure. Just a recognition that one characteristic about an individual does not tell you a whole lot about who they are.”

  “Deputy Director.”

  The President looked up at the screen. Maldonado was on screen again.

  “What is it?” Bruce asked.

  “I just sent you a file through the encrypted channel. You need to look at it ASAP.”

  Bruce frowned, but without a word, he quickly shifted to a different monitor. The President stepped forward to see what he was looking at. It looked like bank transfers. Bruce cursed softly.

  The President frowned. “What is it?”

  “Sergei was also holding something back,” Bruce said.

  “What’s that?” the President asked.

  “We have confirmation. He didn’t just sell the Omni to the Chinese. According to these records, he sold it to at least ten additional sources.”

  “What? Who?”

  “I don’t know all of them.” He pointed to one name on the list. “This is a Russian oligarch. This one is an arms dealer in Asia.” He rattled off three more names, all individuals who dealt in the seedier side of life.

  “Why? Why would he do that?”

  “To make more money. To settle grudges. To change the world.”

  “Are any of our allies on that list?”

  Bruce shook his head. “No.”

  The President grabbed onto a chair, lowering herself slowly into it. “So our enemies now have the power of the Fallen.”

  Bruce nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do we have any way to defeat them?”

  “Short of nuclear war? No.”

  Chapter 30


  Cain and Patrick were going over the copies of the Tome that Patrick had brought with him, so Laney took over Nyssa duty. Mary Jane took Susie home to get changed after an unfortunate incident involving a small creek.

  Cleo and Tiger kept Laney and Nyssa company as they walked from the field onto the cobblestone streets toward David and Rahim’s cottage. Nyssa kept up a constant stream of chatter, and Laney tried to pay attention, but her mind kept going back to the conversation with Cain. It was possible there was an essential doomsday weapon for all Fallen abilities. But even as she doubted its existence, she knew it was not out of the realm of possibility.

  After all, Victoria had, in one fell swoop, made the world mortal. Of course, Laney had never asked how she’d accomplished that. She’d assumed the angels had done something. But what if it was the same means by which she could remove the Fallen abilities?

  Laney glanced down at Nyssa. All that knowledge was trapped somewhere in the mind of the little girl next to her. Not for the first time, she wished she could somehow get Nyssa to tap into it. But at the same time, she recoiled at the idea. Nyssa deserved a childhood as innocent and carefree as they could make it.

  Laney smiled as Nyssa babbled away at Tiger. Laney only understood every few words, but Tiger kept his head down, nodding as if he understood every word coming out of Nyssa’s mouth. Who knew? Maybe he did.

  “Laney.” She turned, smiling as David stepped out of the gate, Rahim next to him. She headed for them. “Good morning. How’d you two sleep?”

  “Better than either of us have in a long time.”

  “Laney, this is Rahim. You two haven’t officially met yet.”

  Laney extended her hand. “It’s great to meet you.”

  “Not as great as it is to meet you. Thank you for helping us.”

  Laney waved away his words. “It’s not just me. There’re a lot of people who make this place work.”

  Rahim looked around. “It’s just so hard to believe that it even exists. It seems real, yet it’s not exactly, is it?”

  “It’s real enough. And it’s safe, and that’s the most important thing.”

  “And who is this little one? Is she yours?” Rahim asked, looking down at Nyssa.

  “No, not exactly. This is Nyssa, and this is Cleo and Tiger.”

  Rahim stared at the cats. “Are they . . . I mean I know they’re domesticated, but they seem to understand things.”

  “Oh, they understand. All the cats here are . . . special.”

nbsp; Rahim shook his head. “This is a lot to take in.”

  “I know. I’ve been around it for years, and I still have moments when I look around in disbelief.” She glanced at David. “Speaking of which, I was hoping to speak with you for a moment.”

  “If it’s okay with the cats,” Rahim said, “I’d be happy to take Nyssa here over to meet the rest of the kids.”

  “I’m sure she’d love that. We were headed that way anyway. Oh, if you see a family of redheads, introduce yourself. That’s the McAdamses. They were all planning on helping you guys get settled.”

  “Will do.” Rahim extended his hand down to Nyssa. “Would you like to walk with me?”

  Nyssa didn’t hesitate. She put her hand right into Rahim’s. With a smile at David, he led her down the street, Tiger and Cleo on either side of them.

  “That really is an amazing sight,” David said.

  Laney watched Rahim as he smiled down at Nyssa as they made their way to the cottage next door. “Your partner is not quite what I expected.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I don’t know. Someone a little flashier, maybe more arrogant.”

  “Nope. I am the arrogant one in our little relationship. Rahim is the heart.”

  “Why, David,” Laney said, elbowing him playfully, “you sound like an old romantic.”

  “Don’t tell anyone. It will ruin my image.”

  Laney chuckled. “Your secret is safe with me.” She paused.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “All right, out with it.”

  “How difficult would it be to get back into Italy?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Depends. How many people are we talking?”


  “Small group. Shouldn’t be too difficult as long as you don’t mind moving fast and being a little crammed. Why?”

  “I need to go back to Rome. I need to get the Tome from the Brotherhood.”

  He stared at her, waiting for a further explanation.